
Quarantine! I’m stuck, we’re stuck and have no where to go. While I was away for so long, I got to know a lot about me. There are a number of good news and bad news. Let’s look at what went wrong first, I’ve gained a lot of weight. I’ve put on specs now and […]

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Dream of a connected world

Netflix’s data-hacking documentary has hit our screens the week Boris Johnson gains the keys to 10 Downing Street. It seems unlikely that the streaming giant could have planned it that way. The timing is nonetheless perfect. Just as Brexit greased Johnson’s path to the highest office in British politics, so it has forced us to confront the […]

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For every student.

Yeah, here we go again. After more than a year my new blog. Feels like no one will read this but still I want to write my heart out. I’m a final year student now. Lot’s of pressure and competition. Peers getting jobs and what not. I’ve always been an average student in my life, […]

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How to contribute to Open Source?

Yeah! Finally, it’s been a year since I’ve written my last blog. Here I’m giving it a chance again, trying to fix things. Many freshers (including me) to Computer Science have a common question on how to contribute to Open Source. Here is a collection of everything I came through while searching for an answer. […]

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